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Rapid 20th century warming reverses 900-year cooling in the Gulf of Maine

Whitney, NM, Wanamaker, AD, Ummenhofer, CC, Johnson, BJ, Cresswell-Clay, N, Kreutz, KJ, (2022). Rapid 20th century warming reverses 900-year cooling in the Gulf of Maine. Communications Earth and Environment, 3, 179, Data available: and A WHOI press release can be found here, with subsequent press coverage here


Atlantic change still uncertain

Kilbourne, KH, Wanamaker, AD, Moffa-Sanchez, P, Reynolds, DJ, Amrhein, DE, Butler, PG, Gebbie, G, Goes, M, Jansen, MF, Little, CM, Moreno-Chamarro, E, Ortego, P, Otto-Bliesner, BL, Rossby, T, Scourse, J, Whitney, NM, (2022). Atlantic circulation change still uncertain. Nature Geoscience, 15, 165–167,


A 250-year, decadally-resolved, radiocarbon time history in the GoM: Implications for ocean circulation in the Northwestern Atlantic

Lower-Spies, EE, Whitney, NM, Wanamaker, AD, Griffin, SM, Introne, DS, Kreutz, KJ, (2020). A 250-year, decadally-resolved, radiocarbon time history in the Gulf of Maine reveals a hydrographic regime shift at the end of the Little Ice Age. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 125, e2020JC016579, Data available: or


Using stable isotopes as tracers of water masses and nutrient cycling processes in the Gulf of Maine

Whitney, NM, Wanamaker, AD, Switzer, ME, Pettigrew, NR, (2020). Using stable isotopes as tracers of water masses and nutrient cycling processes in the Gulf of Maine. Continental Shelf Research, 206, 104210,


Paired bulk organic and individual amino acid δ15N analyses of bivalve shell periostracum: A paleoceanographic proxy for water source variability and nitrogen cycling processes

Whitney, NM, Johnson, BJ, Dostie, PT, Luzier, K, Wanamaker, AD, (2019). Paired bulk organic and individual amino acid δ15N analyses of bivalve shell periostracum: A paleoceanographic proxy for water source variability and nitrogen cycling processes. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 254, 67-85,

Data available:


Pacific climate influences on ocean conditions and extreme shell growth events in the Northwestern Atlantic (Gulf of Maine)

Wanamaker, AD, Griffin, SM, Ummenhofer, CC, Whitney, NM, Black, B, Parfitt, R, Lower-Spies, EE, Introne, DS, Kreutz, KJK, (2018). Pacific climate influences on ocean conditions and extreme shell growth events in the Northwestern Atlantic (Gulf of Maine). Climate Dynamics, 52, 6339-6356, Data available:


Unexpected isotopic variability in biogenic aragonite: A user issue or proxy problem?

Mette, MJ, Whitney, NM, Ballew, J, and Wanamaker, AD, (2018). Unexpected isotopic variability in biogenic aragonite: A user issue or proxy problem? Chemical Geology, 483, 286 – 294,


Spatial and temporal variability in the δ18Ow and salinity compositions of Gulf of Maine coastal surface waters

Whitney, NM, Wanamaker, AD, Kreutz, KJ, and Introne, DS, (2017). Spatial and temporal variability in the δ18Ow and salinity compositions of Gulf of Maine coastal surface waters, Continental Shelf Research, 137, 163-171,

​Data available:

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